Wednesday 1 June 2016

Well yesterday felt like a mile stone day. managed to make a real frame in my hands to hold and look at. Before that this was really just an idea. funny how faith can turn into something physical. Its a good size. I can see better what I must do to mount the painting on it. I am proud that I got the 'saw box' accurate. I do need to tweak the 'positioning box' to be stronger and not so tight. Its hard to pop out a new frame. Cost me two days of work, that I could have spent on free lancing. I lost a lot there. Wish I could work on the paintings more but I have to get back to the paying job.

A lot of the times I think I'm crazy for trying this. In the past I've made art that I thought was really going to sell. In the beginning I did think this was a good idea but I also thought that about the other projects. I was very optimistic with those. Now its a little reversed. I'm cautiously optimistic but if this doesn't work I'm going to consider it again a very big waste of time and money and this might really be the last time I do this.

Yet to be seen.

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