Monday 6 March 2017

In high school a friend of mine that loved the outdoors taught me how to start a camp fire. Since then I've probably made 100 camp fires over my life time so far. Its really easy when you think about building it up from dry grass/paper, to small kindle sticks, to branch sticks, to big logs.

I've made camp fires with just a magnify glass with the heat of the sun to start the fire. That works but its slow. Normally I use artificial starters like matches or a lighter, or even gasoline to get a big start. Even with the quick blaze of a gasoline, you still need the proper set up of small to larger pieces of wood.

A business can be just like that. You do need the proper basic set up, and you can build it up slowing with a natural fire from the sun. Or you could also help give the business a boost with an artificial start. (I'm not talking about getting a loan)

I'm going to start a real fire and in the fastest way I know how to give it some early wins.

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