Thursday 14 April 2016

Had the idea today of adding a QR code on the back side of the painting. Just learning about them. Also the hologram security strip to be embedded in the crafted paper. I wonder if I'm making it too hard on me to build in the Security features. Maybe I'll thank myself later. also finished the under painting for the ninth piece. I asked myself yesterday what would be better? to ignore all the prep work and just start painting to sell something without being ready, or accepting its going to take a while and I need to do what needs to be done right. Not over working but the minimal and done right.
I suppose if I did that I could maybe have something really to show in 7 days. If I do things the right way it will maybe be 3 to 4 weeks. In theory I only need to sell a few of them to know I'm onto something but my break even point (for me) would be 9 paintings sold at minimum price. Selling 18 at base price would be a big profit. I'd quit my day job after 10 pieces. Its funny but my wife asked me yesterday what business we could start if we wanted to. I didn't want to tell her still that I'm doing this. I told her selling Sausage Dogs on the street but she didn't like that idea. She just wants to be at home doing something that makes money, but I don't think she really wants to work. Hope its art instead.

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