Thursday 21 April 2016

The wife is wondering what I'm doing for work while she is at the new job. Somehow I dodged the answer. I have to look more busy for her. I just don't want to tell her I'm making paintings to sell on ebay. I've had other ideas in the past that didn't work out and she'll think this is the same as before. Which she could be right. I've been honest with myself, as much as I believe in these pieces, it could flat out bomb. Anyways. I also better stop some of this crazy under-painting stuff and just finish a few pieces to just start selling. Not the way I wanted to do things. But I suppose things come down to a dollar so if I want to do this it has to pay off early. I might have something in about 2 weeks. Today I also bought more wood and parts to make the under frames. Surprised that the guy cut the wood for me. Anyways. Back to looking busy.

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